torsdag, juli 27, 2006

You held me back

Hold me back from where I want to go
Hold me back from what I want to do
You put me in chains of fear, doubt and depression
You try to kill the flame and drown my passion
You stole my dreams and dragged them through the dirt
You lied, when you whispered that I can't be the princess I wanted to be
That I have to act like a man to survive in this world
You destroyed the innoncence of my dreams
You murdered the prince that was supposed to come for me
You told me that I'm not worth being fought for, that no one will ever come for me
You keep on telling me to pull back, to give up and let go of it all
You try to deceive me by telling me that no one loves me
I learned to hide my tears because you told me that crying is weakness and weakness should not be shown
You said that I should stop acting like a girl, because that's weakness, too
You made me give up what I've been created to be and made me put on a mask
Made me pretend that I was strong, because you knew it would break me
You made me live a lie
You made me believe a lie
You twisted the truth
But in a vision God showed me that I was a princess in his eyes, wearing a beautiful white dress
He told me it's ok to act like a girl, because the little girl is still within me.


Blogger rwj said...

thats deep!!!love u sexy

onsdag, 02 augusti, 2006  
Blogger rwj said...

i purchased the new swiss national football shirt the other day its groovy, it might help me play like tranquillo Barnetta not zubi...

tisdag, 22 augusti, 2006  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Hat ein hübsches Design gekriegt, dein Blog. Kompliment.
Hebs guet, Gruess Bopp

torsdag, 31 augusti, 2006  

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