Now I can look into your face and it doesn't make me want you anymore
I don't crave for your love any longer
Those feelings for you are gone
I pleaded with God to take them away and he did so
I'm free again
The first time I can totaly let go of a man I felt for in such a strong way
The first time I don't fight
Still I want to pray for you
Pray that you will go and claim the land God has given you
Pray that those shakles will fall off your feet
Pray that you will be set free
I'm free like an eagle
Flying so high
Mourning was turned into joy
Peace in my heart
May you feel it too
So that in the end we both can be FREE
Das tönt jo super.
Hey Sime, ich wünsche dir super 'Ferie', dass du dich chasch erhole und wiederhärgstellt zrugchunsch!
Du wirsch sicher e super TS-Koordinatorin!
- Gruess Bopp
She's back! I see a glimmer of our old Simone and this makes me sooooo happy! Sorry I realise that you blogged this a while back but I am rubbish! We love you, Janine xxx
I'm so glad you're feeling alot better!
Is your new job going well?
So, when are you coming over to visit!? We'll all have fun times, and I'm sure you'll want to rub Janine's belly and stuff!
See you soon,
(still prayin' for you!)
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