onsdag, december 07, 2005


I was hoping I could post some happy news. I didn´t think that things could get worse, but they did. I have no strength left. I when I´m alone I cry. I keep on forgetting things. When I´m alone I don´t feel anything at all or I feel pain. I´m glad that my friends get me out. I have much time these days.

The relationship between and my boss got from good to bad to very bad. Then he did the most horrible thing he could do, he made me work on Frieday evenings, that´s when I do youthwork. He knows exactly how important this is to me. A lot of things happend before, but to me, this was the end. I went to see my doctor and he wrote me a paper saying, that I don´t have to go to work this month. I am going to quitt that job, but it´s really hard to find a new one. I don´t really have the strength to do anything, I don´t really want to do anything. I´m just empty. My friends who have known me for years say I´m not myself anymore. I know I´m not. This is but a shadow from what I used to be. I never cryed so much in my life. I never lost hope. Nothing really matters anymore. I can´t belive this is me, I can´t belive I feel this way. It´s like a nightmare and I´m waiting to wake up. I don´t understand, I am confused and I just don´t understand.

Thank you for all your encouraging words and all your prayers, please keep on praying. The love of God and people like you is all that keeps me going.


Blogger Simon Bridgwater said...

I'm praying Simone, I'm praying hard.

Come to England. xx

onsdag, 07 december, 2005  
Blogger matt said...

I'm praying for you too, and I agree with Si, come back to England anytime you like.
Like I said when you were here last, I'll buy you a plane ticket (I don't care about money!) that offer will always be there you just need to say.
We all just want to see you feeling better.

Still praying everyday!

onsdag, 07 december, 2005  
Blogger Ashley said...

can we talk on the phone soon? email me and i will call you. i think GOd is taking us through the same stuff - maybe we're going through it at the same time for a reason. I'm praying... email me please whenever you have time!

onsdag, 07 december, 2005  
Blogger Simon Bridgwater said...

The same applies to you Ashley, I'm praying lots for you.

You two wonderful people were there for me at the very start of my Christian life, and you've been such a great encouragement to me.

Maybe visiting Oakham and seeing how the youth group is thriving and really working for God will give you that much-needed boost.

We miss you! xxx

torsdag, 08 december, 2005  
Blogger Lemony Snickett said...

Simone. What can I say?
I know you're finding it tough at the moment, but you are NEVER alone.
God is ALWAYS and WILL always be with you.
And you have us with you in thoughts and prayers.
Times may seem dark.
But the shadow proves the sunshines

Love you little sister.
Stephen x

lördag, 10 december, 2005  
Blogger James said...

Oh Simi! Millions of hugs.

I am praying for you! Email me, what is your email address?

Whatever is happening, know that you have people here who love you and are praying for you, and that you're NOT alone.

Give Ashley a call, I think you can help each other right now...email me your number and email address etc too.

I'm praying for you my sister, don't let go of Jesus, He has promised to finish what He has started in your life. Let Him be your hope and your strength.

I love you,
You're in my prayers as always.
James xxx

lördag, 17 december, 2005  

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