fredag, februari 24, 2006

The US main land and Hawaii

Here I am, nearly passing out because I'm so tired, doing 3 things at the same time (women can do so) but I really want to update you people out there. I guess many of you didn't know that I went on a little journey. It was a rather spontaneous thing and the whole trip was planned within 3 weeks. I wanted to go and visit Ash in Scotland, but she couldn't go back there and so I went to visit her in the States. I first flew to Indiniapolis and spent a little more than a week with Ash and her family. It was great meeting her people, they are cool. The american culture is so different from what I thought it would be. I love it, it's really cool over there.
We left for Atlanta on a Saturday. Ash now works for the OM USA office, which is fun as I am going to work for the OM Switzerland office. Ok, i managed to meet Jake, Sandra and their two kids and spend a night at their place. It was sweet to meet their kids, I love them. Jake is still the same great guy he was when we were "THE youth team". One day I spend with Danny and his future wife Joni, he showed me everything there is to see in Atlanta. We spent the night at his parent's house and on the next day he drove me to the airport, destination Hawaii.
I love Maui, I didn't want to come back home, seriously, I could have stayed there. It was awesome to be there. The island is just beautiful and I met so many great people. What God created there... I just can't put it in words. Besides the fact that I destroyed a car everything was simply wonderful. Just sit at the beach, watch the waves and enjoy the sun, that does it for me. I love the sea, it's something so fascinating.
When we flew back to Switzerland and started so sink into never ending clouds I wanted to scream and ask the pilot to please turn back. It is so cold here and hectic. Since I came back I run around, trying to sort out things before I leave again tomorrow.When I walk through the cold I sometimes close my eyes and think back to my time in Hawaii. Yea, I got to go to a snowcamp and I will learn to snowboard. Fun:-)It's a camp from my church and I'm looking forward to see all those crazy kids again - yet at the moment I just want to go to bed and sleep, I guess that's what people call jet lag.
I'm so happy I went on this trip. I just read in a book that so many people don't live their life to the full. It's not about living a long life, but having lived to the max. This is what I want to do, I wanna fly high with my God, because what he's got to offer is just amazing and there's no way I can refuse him. Since my depression time I fell even more in love with God, I realised that when a non-Christian friend told me how she wondered that I still believe in God. I told her, that I believe more every day and I do, because only his love can fill me. Jesus, you rock my world.