torsdag, maj 26, 2005


It's nearly 10pm and we still have way over 20°C. Not nice to work now, but that's what I do. We still didn't find any replacement for the two girls that left, which brings tension. My boss is overworked, which is never good.
Last night I spent at my parents flat. It was my youngest bro's birthday and so I went home, got to talk to my brothers, what football and movies with them. Boys are cool :-) And I got to talk to my parents. I haven't seen them since I came back from England.
My sister came back from New York on Sunday and in the evening she came to church, so that was cool.
Otherwise I'm busy catching up with friends, ride my bike and I read "men are from mars, women are from venus" (or something like that). But I guess, I will never understand man, still I guess that's ok, because if I would fully understand man, that I would be one. Hm, maybe I should stop writing, I'm too tired and it's too hot to think anyway.

måndag, maj 16, 2005


What can I say?! It was like coming home. People at Oakham church welcomed me with open arms. If felt like I had been away for only a week or something - very strange, but very cool :-)It was awesome seeing everyone again and doing fun stuff like hanging out at youth club (luv you guys there), going to Pizza hut, the cinema, shopping with Beck, or hanging out at people's homes, riding the motor bike with Andy (a big thank you to Andy and Meg for having me staying at their place) and of course my long walks with Molly, my favourit dog. It was cool talking to my LUKE brothers about the mistery of man, life and God.
This week was just so relaxing for me and I will try to come back soon, but first of all I have to work. I started working today and found out, that not one but two of my collegues had left during my vacation. Now this is not good and I'm rather confused about all this.

torsdag, maj 05, 2005


Today was another day with rain, sunshine and wind. Welcome to Scotland. I really enjoy my time here with Ashley. She lives in a really lovely flat. Wonderful Ash, thanks for practising the w with me. It's nice to be back in Glasgow, I love it, especially the scottish accent. And it's good to see the OM team and that what was a vision came true. We managed to get out on the countryside yesterday, but spend most of the time in the city, as Ashley has to work. I was pierced by a woman for the first time. I'm sure Mark will work out how many pearcings I have now, but Mark, there is still none below my belly ;-)And I bought some DVD's: All 3 Lord of the Ring's, Grease, Dirty dancing and Pretty woman, there you go. As much as I enjoy it here, I'm excited to get down to England this weekend to visit all the great people down there. Oakham, I'm coming :-)
Another really good thing about being here is, that I take more time to study the Bible, that's just so good. I hope I will be taking time to think about my life in England, I really should do so. This week, Catherine, the girl that works with me at the hotel, send me a text saying, that she will be gone when I come back. Work is going to be such a mess, I really don't want to go back, this is going to be a nightmare.