tisdag, juni 28, 2005


These last week the weather was incredible. I love it - it's so hot :-) Yesterday I went to Geneva. When I arrived and walked to the lake, I realised how much I miss it. I could go back, there is only one person holding me back in Basel - without even knowing it. On the way to meet a friend, I meet a guy with whom I used to hang around back in 1998. It was so much fun to see him again. Then I went to see my friend Alex. I haven't seen her for a long time eather. Many things happened during the last years... Later I traveled to Lausanne, where I stayed with Angie. She will go to Hawaii in this automn, I'm happy for her. It was great to hang with her. We watched surfer dvd's and talked about sharkes and New Sealand. We want to go there maybe next year... Today I traveled on to the mountains. I went to visit another friend in Saas Fee, haven't seen her for a year. It was cooler up there than it's here in Basel. I'm swetting like a pig, I'm quite impressed :-) Oh, for the next 10 days my boss is on holiday and I have to replace him. Great. I'm glad when he's back.

lördag, juni 11, 2005

Just another thought

What am I waiting for
To have my heart even more broken
People are so easily fooled by a mask
You can't see that I scream inside
You can't see that I'm torn
You can't see me
and that my hopes and dreams are falling apart
It's not what you do
but what you don't do
It's not what you say
but the things you don't say
It's like you kill me slowly
I stumble through the darkness
and you just watch and smile
No more waiting
Tired of feeling
Hate not being in control
Can't sleep because the thought of you keeps its grip on me
I'm crushed on the ground
but I would rather die than tell you how I feel